As the main partner for the Gala Prix TI en santé et services sociaux, which will take place on November 7, 2019, the PetalMD team is pleased to present the 20 innovative projects that have distinguished themselves among the fifty applications that were submitted. Organizations wishing to submit an application had to demonstrate how their project contributed to the improvement of Quebec's healthcare system.
The 20 Finalists: Projects by Organization (French Only)
- Bonjour Santé: Projet Accès20
- Bonjour Santé: Projet réorientation des patients P4-P5
- Centre de Service Régional du CIUSSS Centre-Sud de l’Île-de-Montréal: Plateforme SIDER
- Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec – UL: Projet amélioration de la prise en charge de patients aux urgences
- CHU de Québec – UL: Projet Optilab, logiciel de traçabilité des glacières et des échantillons de laboratoires
- CHU de Québec – UL: Projet renouvellement du parc d’impression
- CHU de Québec – UL: weHoop pour la maîtrise des non-conformités dans les laboratoires biomédicaux (IUCPQ)
- CHU de Sainte-Justine: Solution de jeu vidéo thérapeutique Dreamland
- CHUM: École d’intelligence artificielle en santé (EIAS)
- CHUM: Projet informatisation du cycle transactionnel d'approvisionnement
- CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec: Progiciel d’assurance continue de la qualité des services préhospitaliers d’urgence
- CIUSSS Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal: Solution Réorientation
- CIUSSS Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal: Projet de saisie du Profil AÎNÉES via l’outil informatisé Tableau de suivi clinique
- Collège québécois des médecins de famille: Projet eConsult Québec
- Dialogue Technologie: Projet DXA
- IR-CUSM et groupe informatique de santé Opal: Application mobile et portail patient Opal
- Luc Besette – DSE Portable: Projet DSE Portable
- Myelin: Application Progressive Web App
- Université de Montréal et Nanogenecs Diagnostics: Solution d’analyse sanguine à domicile
- Trimoz Technologies: Plateforme Clic Santé
PetalMD, Gala's Main Partner
Of the seven awards that will be presented during the evening, two will be presented by PetalMD, Établissement de santé novateur and Solution e-santé de l’année.
In addition, during the Colloque Informatique Santé, which will take place the same day as the Gala, the PetalMD team will give a workshop at 1:30 pm. During the workshop, we will introduce someone from a major health organization in Quebec. They will illustrate how digital management of medical activities can improve the coordination of care teams.
"In Quebec, we are fortunate to have health facilities and health professionals who are open and ready to adopt innovations which modernize their processes. While at the same time, we are also fortunate to be able to count on the innovative know-how of entrepreneurs who invest in the creation and development of technological solutions to support and improve the Quebec healthcare system. It is this collaboration between the entrepreneurial community and the public health community that makes this Gala both unique and important for the future of Quebec."
- Patrice Gilbert, CEO of PetalMD
It is still possible to buy tickets for the Gala, as well as for the Colloque Informatique Santé. Both events will take place on November 7th at the Centrexpo Cogeco in Drummondville. Come join us in contributing to the technological revolution taking place in Quebec’s healthcare system!
About the Gala Prix TI en Santé et Services Sociaux
Presented by the Colloque Informatique Santé and organized by Le Point en santé et services sociaux, the Gala des Prix TI en santé et services sociaux aims to reward technological innovations deployed in the Quebec health network, which improve the efficiency of the healthcare system. PetalMD is excited to participate in this event as its main partner.