On October 21 through 24, the Vancouver Convention Centre will welcome more than 3,000 healthcare professionals for the 2017 edition of the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Medical specialists, researchers, residents, nurses, perfusionists and cardiology technicians will gather to perfect their health knowledge and meet representatives of the technological industry.
The PetalMD team will of course be present to demonstrate how its tools help cardiologists simplify the creation, management and sharing of their schedules!
Over 500 Canadian cardiologists already use a PetalMD solution
Solutions developed by PetalMD are very popular amongst Canadian cardiologists. Over 40% of them already use a PetalMD solution, meaning that cardiologists have the highest adoption rate of our tools among specialists in Canada. After emergency physicians, internists and anaesthesiologists, they are also the specialists using the schedule management solution Petal Scheduling in the highest numbers.
The reason is simple: the features of Petal Scheduling are particularly well suited to the reality of cardiology departments. Through the automated schedule creation procedure, cardiologist groups benefit from optimal shift distribution that takes into account sub-specialities, availabilities and group rules. For example, schedulers can guarantee that two cardiologists with the same sub-speciality will never work at the same time. They can also limit the number of consecutive shifts, or guarantee a minimum amount of time between weekend shifts.
For more information on what our schedule management solution can do for cardiologists, click the box below!