Out of all the medical billing issues addressed on PetalMD’s blog in 2019, which posts were the most interesting to our readers? Here is a list of our 5 most read articles on this subject. For our content on medical and administrative issues in general, please check out our Top 10 Topics that Most Interested Our Readers in 2019.
5th Place
PetalMD and Gestimed Join Forces: Digitizing Medical Billing in Quebec
The union of Gestimed and PetalMD happened just over a year after PetalMD acquired Xacte, meaning these two Quebec companies joined forces in early fall 2019. The goal of this union is to simplify the daily lives of doctors by modernizing their medical billing processes with the RAMQ.
4th Place
Connect Your PetalMD Calendar to Your Xacte RAMQ Billing Solution
In the spring of 2019, we unveiled a new integration between the Xacte medical billing solution and the Petal Scheduling (PetalMD) solution. This integration still allows physicians to bill various events directly from their PetalMD calendar, such as on-call fees, training sessions, lecture clubs and departmental meetings.
3rd Place
RAMQ Billing: Xacte Has the Largest Growth of Clients in 2019
According to data published by Santé Inc. magazine, Xacte stood out from the competition in 2019 by posting the strongest growth in terms of new physician clients, as well as positioning itself as the 2nd largest medical billing solution in Quebec.
2nd Place
RAMQ Billing: 5 Tricks to Prevent Payment Refusals
Xacte's medical billing experts have identified five tips to help doctors minimize billing errors that can lead to payment refusals in the complex administrative procedures associated with the RAMQ.
1st Place
5 Tips to Simplify Your Medical Billing with the RAMQ
Since RAMQ medical billing is a complex process, our experts have identified five tips to help physicians practicing in Quebec to simplify this administrative task.
For our content on medical and administrative issues in general, please check out our Top 10 Topics that Most Interested Our Readers in 2019.