Petal Blog

PetalMD and Microsoft Join Forces to Disrupt European Health Systems

The PetalMD team is excitedly looking forward to the upcoming events of the next few weeks. May 29th will mark the 2018 inauguration of Paris Healthcare Week, which is taking place at the Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. PetalMD is thrilled to join Microsoft as an official commercial partner for this event.

As one of the most important gatherings of healthcare professionals in France, Paris Healthcare Week congregates nearly 850 exhibitors and 30,000 participants from many divergent sectors of the healthcare industry. This annual convention is divided into 4 sections (Health IT, Hospital, Gerontology and Nursing) and represents an opportunity for healthcare professionals to discuss current and emerging challenges, as well as obtain insights into the most recent technology available to solve these challenges.

European Health Systems Succumb to the Charm and Value of PetalMD Solutions

The continued Canadian success and adoption of PetalMD solutions for the health sector has certainly not gone by unnoticed by European health establishments.

More than 35,000 Canadian doctors are already comfortably using PetalMD solutions, thereby improving their schedule planning and management processes. Many hospitals in Europe have also opted to integrate the PetalMD Web platform in order to optimize their operations, reduce their expenses, and improve access to healthcare. PetalMD is well on its way to nurture and serve a European clientele that already includes CHC de Liège in Belgium, le Centre Hospitalier de Lyon in France, as well as the Centre Médical Universitaire of Geneva in Switzerland.

This year, in collaboration with Microsoft, PetalMD has ambitions to broaden its horizons, pursuing its mission to implement its technologies across more beneficiaries on another continent in order to continue to overcome healthcare administrative inefficiencies in the European healthcare sphere. It is therefore with notable enthusiasm that PetalMD is proud to fuel its momentum and carry its vision over to Europe for Paris Healthcare Week.

Microsoft : an Ideal Commercial Partner for PetalMD

The PetalMD Web platform is hosted on the venerated and reliable Microsoft Azure cloud-based servers in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of its user data. By using this reliable infrastructure, PetalMD is able to meet the high standards required by the Canadian security norms set out in PIPEDA, as well as being able to conform to international norms like: ISO 27001, HIPAA, FEDRAMP, SOC 1 et SOC 2.

Moreover, PetalMD is recognized by Microsoft as a commercial partner who is carrying forth our vision to disrupt the organization of healthcare systems by replacing obsolete methods with innovative and functional technologies that promise greater performance and potential for continual improvement.

For the 2018, Paris Healthcare Week, Microsoft ingeniously presented their partners with two alternative ways to present their technological solutions. These presentations will be located at P68 in the Health IT section. They will provide participants with tangible and interactive use case scenarios for Microsoft partners. This is designed to enable them to intrinsically understand the value and benefits of each solution that is specific to their practice or health organization. Both paths are divided into five zones: Reception, Consultations, Laboratory, Surgery, and Review Room.

Will you be in attendance at Paris Healthcare Week? We would be pleased if you could join us in this voyage of discovery to learn more about the different functionalities and benefits conferred by adopting these state of the art technologies. In doing so, you could be an agent of change, contributing to a greater allocation of time for patient care, to the optimization of hospital and clinic performance, and to improving access to healthcare overall.

About Paris Healthcare Week 2018

Organized by PG promotion, Paris Healthcare Week is a stimulating and provocative event for medical professionals all over the world. This event aims to exhibit the latest technological trends and innovations in the health sector, providing the industry with a window of opportunity to contribute to global collaboration and the advancement of health services worldwide.


Top 5 Conferences According to PetalMD

  • Agora E-Santé - Digitalization: What strategies and services for patients and partners of health facilities?
    Thibault Lanthier, CEO & Fondateur de MonDocteur
    Pierre Bertrand, Directeur du Centre Hospitalier d'Arras

  • Agora Manager - Security of patient data sharing between health professionals: successful experience in medical oncology
    Aurélien Lambert, CEO, Pandalab
    Christelle Masson, DG, Pandalab
    Romain Poirson, CTO, Pandalab
    Benoît Bresson, Responsable du département des systèmes d'information Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine

  • Agora E-Santé - What can Artificial Intelligence bring to everyday medical practice in hospitals?
    Thomas Duval, CEO, Sancare
    Olivier Clatz, CEO & Co-founder, Therapixel
    Gilles Wainrib, Chef Scientific Officer, Owkin
    Dr Didier Mennecier, Club Digital Santé

  • Agora E-Santé - Le numérique au service de tous
    Le ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé

  • Agora IT - Does IA enable to increase the efficiency of Medical Information Teams?
    Vincent Susplugas, CEO, Collective Thinking
    Dr Laurent Molinier, PU-PH, Chef de service DIM, CHU Toulouse