In parallel with the growing emphasis placed on innovative technological developments in the health industry, hospital leaders have been increasingly driven to reevaluate their established administrative tools and systems in order to consider more productive alternatives.
Their main objective: automate and streamline processes, maximise resources, and eliminate superfluous tasks; all in order to gain efficiency and time to better serve their patients.
Technologies that Evolve Around Patients
During the 18th annual exhibition of e-Health, Canada’s National Conference & Tradeshow, held on May 28th and 29th, one of the most recognized themes included the importance of placing the patient at the center of the decision making process within health establishments through the integration and use of technology.
The PetalMD team was thrilled to realize that our efforts to develop innovative technological solutions have succeeded in meeting the most pressing demands of health leaders and organizations: leveraging technology to optimize the patient journey. It is through the use of these solutions that doctors can maximise their time, and hence, speed up the patient journey while at the same time delivering more value and attention to the patient.
How PetalMD Contributes to Improving the Patient Journey
According to an American commission, communication errors are at the root of more than 70% of critical situations affecting patients. Another study published by the Journal of Hospital Medicine reveals that doctors dedicate 25% of their workday to the use of different complex communication channels. Simplifying these communication processes is therefore a priority for a growing number of health establishments in order to improve the patient journey.
The use of multiple communication channels is a well-known problematic among professionals in health establishments. The more channels that have to be managed and consolidated; the more time communications consumes. This problem effects the speed and efficiency of a given response when an on-call physician has to be reached. For example, when:
PetalMD makes it easy to reach an on-call physician directly via our mobile application. Centralized on the platform, physician schedules are integrated into the on-call lists, which guarantees accessibility and diffusion of up-to-date information at all times throughout the entire establishment. As on-call lists are updated in real-time (taking into account schedule and contact modifications) the hospital staff can directly reach the right physician at the right time with greater confidence through the secure in-app messaging platform.
This not only facilitates and supports direct communication processes with on-call doctors, but also accelerates patient care, further improving the patient journey.
Where to Start?
Through nearly 10 years of collaboration with physicians and hospital leaders, PetalMD has acquired a unique market expertise that has enabled its team to precisely target and understand the challenges faced by the healthcare industry.
As we understand each hospital has a unique reality, we believe you would benefit from speaking with one of our experts who can present you with the solutions that best suit your context. If you would like more information, do not hesitate to call us at 1-888-949-8601, or to write us at info@petalmd.com.