Petal Blog

PetalMD Invited as an Expert at the IT Symposium for Healthcare: the Colloque Informatique Sante

For a second year in a row, Francis Robichaud, PetalMD's Director of Innovation, will be a guest speaker of honour at the Colloque Informatique Santé. The 2018 symposium will take place on November 29th in Drummondville and will once again be a must for healthcare managers in Quebec. Mr. Robichaud will give a lecture entitled: The Urgency of Digitizing the Health System in Quebec and a workshop called: Recognizing the Effects of Medico-Administrative Technologies on the Patient Experience.

Please note that both presentation will be in French. 


Francis Robichaud on Quebec’s Challenges in Digital Health

How to catch up to 20 years of lagging technology in the health sector, while reducing government spending, which is projected to increase because of the aging population in Quebec? Francis Robichaud will try to answer this problematic issue during his conference, notably by addressing the challenges related to the lack of time in the structure of the health system in Quebec



Lecture by Philippe Castets Not to be Missed

Immediately after Mr. Robichaud's conference, participants will be able to hear Philippe Castets, from the Public Hospices of Lyon. He is Director of IT and IT Systems and plans to give a conference entitled: Hospitals and the Digital "Revolution".



About the Colloque Informatique Santé

Organized by Le Point en santé et services sociaux, the Colloque Informatique Santé aims to bring together Quebec's managers and healthcare professionals in order to equip them in deploying their IT projects more effectively within their organizations. The theme of the symposium this year is: Complex Project Management. So please join us in Drummondville on November 29th, 2018. For more details, download the program.