Creating a physician schedule is like assembling a puzzle with over 5 000 pieces
The creation of a physician schedule is like a gigantic puzzle with a huge number of pieces and a seemingly infinite number of combinations. Group planners must assign work shifts and tasks to every physician in their department over a period of 3, 6 or even 12 months. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. In addition, group planners must take into consideration specific constraints for each person, such as absences and personal requests, while at the same time respecting labor standards. Then, this schedule must be coordinated with other external schedules for every physician working in another hospital or medical clinic.
In other words, not only do group planners have to respect personal variables for each physician, but they often have to take into account aspects of the following 5 different areas:
- Working shifts
- Absences
- Fair distribution
- Respect of the business rules
- External schedules coordination
Managing schedules for physicians without a centralized platform
Once a schedule is created, the work is far from over. The physician group planner must keep his/her eyes open all the time, because every time there is a change in an assignment, s/he must apply the change to the schedule while still keeping in mind the requests of each physician. If an assignment switch is accepted, the group planner must then make sure that every department affected by the trade is informed. When schedules undergo a large number of modifications, say many times a week, or even a day; the chances of inadvertently making a mistake grow dramatically. Common well-known examples include lack of physician coverage and needing to reschedule appointments. Clearly, managing an accurate and functional schedule for a physician planner implies much more than a week of preparation: it requires a full-time coordinator.How to optimize management functions for the physician planner?
PetalMD has made its mission to equip physician group planners with a tool capable of simplifying and optimizing their daily work. By choosing the Scheduling Software, group planners are doing their department and the hospital a service while greatly improving their own quality of life. How?By saving a huge amount of time, thanks to the automated schedule creation
This user-friendly management platform can shorten the time dedicated to schedule creation by up to 80%. These amazing results are explained by our automated tool which transforms the physician’s many rules and constraints into algorithms which can generate an equitable schedule in a matter of minutes. The application solves the puzzle for the group planner in the most optimal way… saving time and headaches.“The software automatically builds a schedule with shifts that are more spread out, which positively affects a physician’s work-life balance as they have more time to rest between shifts.”
- Dr Friesen, Peterborough Regional Health Center